Did you know that juicing has given us quite a significant history back then? Actually, juices were considered as a medicinal practice. Juicing can also date back to the ancient times when people juice vegetables and herbs for medicine. They either have it consumed by the patient or use as an ointment. The herb juices possess mint and other nutrients; I can call these leafy juices today as ‘liquified tablets’. Now, leaf juicing is still applied for organic eating. In the Indian medicine tradition Ayuverda, there is the term called “ras” which means “life” and “juice”. It is a reference to human energy’s ability to have “full of juice” to gain the ideal health. The Ayuverdic diet involves the svarash which is made of pressed fruit, vegetables and herbs. The Dead Sea scrolls depict that juice was for healing purposes only. Consumed by Jews who are in the old age were known as vegetarians, juices were strictly for their diet only. In ancient India, The leafy juices were more famous than fruit juices back then. Ancient people would rather eat fruit raw. It was just that time when people from tropical islands make the fruit juices.
However in 1920, Dr. Norman Walker’s studies about the benefits of fruits and vegetables led to the invention of the juicer. The Norman juicers were made; these are large hydraulic press that can simultaneously press a lot and produce a lot of natural juices in a short period of time. His juicing efforts has put at least one juicing machine in every household in the world.
Now, the machine has evolved from the manual one up to the most automated juicing possible. It became an electric juicer so currently the juicing is easy. You just need to peel off the skin of the fruit, vegetable or herb and make cuts that will fit into the mouth of the juicer. When fed into the machine, the blades inside it will totally hash every bit of the fruit, vegetable or herb, producing a refined juice. You can still produce a pulpy juice by using the mode puree in which the blades’ mincing is lowered to retain bits of pulp. The puree mode is useful for fruit juicer in which every pulp explodes of more vitamins and minerals than the juice.
So there you have your juicing history! I suggest you read more about other juicing methods practice in the past by searching the net, and then you can start your juicing with enough knowledge on how juicing works!
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